CEU Course How Cut Affects Appearance of Wood Flooring

CEU Course:
How Cut Affects Appearance of Wood Flooring

Our Next CEU Course

“How Cut Affects Appearance of Wood Flooring”

Will be held on Thursday

July 22, 2021 @ 10AM PST / 1PM EST

Be sure to book your spot today!

How To Register

All courses are:

  • Complimentary to all A&D professionals
  • Live virtual sessions with Q&A
  • 1 hour duration
ceu-virtual training courses in hardwood

How Cut Affects Appearance of Wood Flooring

This seminar explores how different saw cuts will affect the appearance of wood flooring. Design professionals will become more familiar with the different sawing methods available in an effort to properly specify the material that will best meet their client expectations.

  • Identify different saw cuts for wood flooring
  • Understand how each cut affects performance of flooring
  • Recognize how lumber is dried, how the process differs depending on saw cut
  • Describe how moisture affects wood flooring performance

Color Samples

Color Samples

New Wood Floors?

Looking for a new flooring design, we specialize in developing custom wood floors (learn more about our products and customization process). Schedule an appointment online for a virtual consultation or visit our Long Island or New York City showrooms. Contact us today. Or call us at 1-212-621-9120 or 1-631-821-8994.
